Paid feature

Price Alerts

Stay up to date on price action with Alpha price alerts for stocks and cryptocurrencies. No need to use another price alert program or switch apps. Setting a real-time* price alert with Alpha is as easy as typing a quick command.

By upgrading your community, you and your members can set price alerts for crypto markets and stocks directly from Discord. Then, Alpha will message you and let you know when the price has been hit. If you so chose, Alpha can also send a message into a specific channel, and notify your community members as well. With Alpha you never worry about missing a breakout or breakdown again.

* Not all markets are available in real-time.

What's included

Stock and crypto price alerts
Available to all community members
Public or private triggers
Custom messages and role tagging

Things to know

Use of slots

Each feature can be purchased in numbers of slots. Each slot can be allocated to a different Discord server or your personal account. When a Discord server is used to fill a slot, all users on that server will be able to use the feature. When a personal account is used to fill a slot, only you will be able to use the feature. You can always change the number of purchased slots or your slot allocation later.You will be charged for all the slots regardless of how many you have filled.

Trial period

  • A free 30-day trial period is available for all users. Functionality is not limited in any way during this period.
  • After the trial, you will be charged the monthly or annual subscription fee depending on your plan unless canceled before the end of the trial period.

Refund policy

Monthly plan renewals can be refunded up to 7 days after the purchase has been made. After that, any refunds will not include the amount proportional to the elapsed fraction of your billing period rounded down to weeks. Annual subscriptions can be refunded in the first 14 days of the renewal, after which you're no longer eligible for a refund.
$2/slot /month